
UNT Robotics works to help the students of UNT

Our main goal is hosting meetings that educate our members and give them opportunities. To meet that goal, we’ve brought out several companies across various disciplines such as L3, RoboKind, and StandardUser CyberSecurity. Each company is selected because they fit at least one of the major demographics of our organization: Mechanical, Biomedical, and computer science/engineering.

In addition to the STEM companies' seminars, we also host workshops that teach how robotics work. They, like most of our general meetings, are open to all and teach our members from the basics of electronics all the way up to using Bluetooth communication to control robots.

UNT Robotics works with other organizations

UNT Robotics has collaborated with the Society of Automotive Engineers where we are building their dash and assisting with their wiring harness.

UNT Robotics has hosted a meeting in collaboration with American Society of Mechanical Engineers where Bell Flights (Formerly Bell Helicopters) came out to talk.

UNT Robotics provided membership boosts and volunteers to Engineering United for HackUNT. We also hosted a meeting open to everyone where we discussed the best way to win a Hackathon.

UNT Robotics worked with Kappa Delta Pi, an education honor society, to host a STEM education workshop for future teachers where we discussed the Engineering portion of STEM. We taught programming using Scratch, gear ratios using LEGO, and computer structure and design using skits.

Inter-collegiate Competitions

In Louisiana, we competed in the IEEE R5 Autonomous Rover competition where we were commended for our mechanical engineering prowess.

UNT Robotics competes in the NASA University Student Launch Initiative, where teams are tasked with designing a rocket and its payload to fulfill requirements and themes set by NASA for the year's competition. Whether we successfully launch a rocket, or spectactularly fail, our team members learn valuable skills in engineering and teamwork.


UNT Robotics also hosts a 12 hour Hackathon for robotics in the early spring every year. As an introduction to robotics, students get to design, build, and program a robot to fulfill the competition theme and objectives. For information about the next upcoming Botathon, visit the Botathon page