Our Team

These people are the reason for our success and expertise.
Nick TindleCo-President

Nicholas Tindle is a Computer Engineering student at UNT. He works in software engineering and loves hackathons. You can generally find him wearing a hat and probably a sweatshirt. He has a long history of collaboration with UNT Robotics as the first president, a loyal advisor, and now Project Manager. He has also served as an advisor to the Dean and is currently an officer of Engineering United. Nick has helped host numerous events at the university over the years. In his professional life, he works in data analysis, web development, and python scripting.

Andrew Hooker


Andrew is a senior majoring in computer science. He is the President of UNT Robotics and also runs the CCDC division of UNT robotics. He has had an interest in technology for a long time. He can be found in the UNT library fueling his chronic caffeine addiction. His hobbies include video games, hackathons, and technology.

Lauren Caves

Vice President

She’s a woman of action, eternal optimist, and a passionate speaker. As an undergraduate mechanical engineering student, her enthusiasm for the art of engineering is vast and the hunger for discovery drives her motivation which has led to many successes during her undergraduate years. Although not easily. She has gone through many failures and complicated situations which shaped a new passion to inspire the youth and other students to overcome diversity and really fight for their dreams. She believes everyone is destined for greatness, and that it's important to not let the minor roadblocks we stumble upon crush the stars we wish upon.

Andrew PaulFinancial Director

The Eagle Scout, Black Belt and Rescue scuba diver brings his vast experience keeping the funds up, and in check for the the future development of the robotics club. Andrew Paul is a freshman mechanical engineering student and lover of innovation. New to the scene with charisma to spare and a passion for engineering. He can be found climbing at the UNT Rockwall, or in his dorm finding out new ways to build and code his next project while assisting in club finances.

Cameron SmyrlSecretary

Cameron is a senior majoring in computer science with a minor in mathematics. He is the secretary of UNT Robotics. His passions are messing with new and exciting softwares and tech products. He can be found doing long coding assignments, playing video games, and helping with UNT Robotics where he can.

Jacob GomezPublic Relations

Jacob is a current Computer Science student at UNT. Although he balances school and work he finds time for extracurriculars. He has always enjoyed being apart of different organizations and getting to know new people. He loves using all the different software to model, create and design things for the club or for his own personal projects.

Ibi EniEvent Coordinator

Ibi is simple guy, with many interests. Mechanics, electronics, food, obscure sci-fi, and comics. Normally found lurking around the engineering campus of UNT, this 3rd year Mechanical and Engineering major and self proclaimed "walking pop culture reference" is dedicated to the organisation and is in charge of organizing all social events and gatherings digital or otherwise. Ibi was drawn to engineering due to is pension for creativity and his love hate relationship with mathematics.

Brooke QiaoSocial Media Manager

Brooke is a freshman at UNT majoring in mechanical and engineering. She was in her high school robotics team and is excited to continue doing robotics throughout college. In her free time, she like reading, drawing, or walking her dog!

Peyton ThibodeauxWebmaster

Peyton is a junior, studying computer science with a minor in mathematics. He's the webmaster for UNT Robotics and in charge of the website that you see in front of you. He enjoys learning and using new technologies and have a passion for creating things.

Joe MooreAerospace Division Lead

Joseph is a Junior Mechanical Engineering student. Formerly a US Marine Master Explosive Ordnance Disposal Technician (EOD), he has always tried to tinker with things and figure out how they work and is passionate about establishing and growing our High-Power Rocketry team into a nationally competitive force. Both through STEM outreach efforts and internal events, he hopes to generate interest and encourage everyone to get into hobby rocketry, and the sport of high power rocketry.